Random Thoughts ENERGY FOIBLES?

OK. Drilling for oil on the outer continental shelf and Alaska .
Atomic energy plants. What’s going on? Is it politics? Is it
necessary? Is it a good idea? Well, the facts, as I understand them,
are that it will take many years before solar, wind, algae, hydrogen
and other clean energy ideas are functioning on a mass enough scale to
make a serious dent in our need for oil. It takes time - no getting
around it. It looks like Buckminster Fuller’s little black box of
energy isn’t likely to happen, at least not any time soon. The amount
of effort, the complexities of getting a new system on line, the
incredible distribution challenges (see my article on electric cars
infrastructure entitled “Ëlectric Cars For Everyone (No, Really This
Time” on Page 27 or second from the last page), and the need to get
the public educated enough to NEVER buy an oil-running car and ALWAYS
fitting their home with solar cannot be done overnight even if we want

It is necessary to continue to use traditional sources for many years
to come, hopefully reducing the amount every year. Coal (clean coal is
a myth, but carbon scrubbing is probable) and oil are environmental
and political blood baths - not to mention nuclear energy. It is a
further testament to our President that he is willing to take on all
the complexities of energy reform at once. Various interests will
vociferously object to parts of the plan, but Obama, influenced by his
energy advisors, will try to stand fast on all of it. He is more right
than wrong. He knows he needs to get the policies started, and like
health care, improve it as time moves on.

I know that nuclear is a real fear-creating concept but, to quote
Jimmy Carter, who used to be in the Navy and was very familiar with
the use of nuclear energy in submarines, “Nuclear is not unsafe,
especially with the advances made in the 30 years since the last plant
went online.” A slightly funny story: Jim Benenson, Don McLean’s
business manager in the 60s and 70s, bought a company that makes huge
pipes for nuclear reactors - just as the market stopped 30 years ago =
until tomorrow. I personally am worried about Nuclear plants and
getting rid of the waste especially since reading an article about
France’s nuclear industry, which is a mess. A leak is not the only
possible danger and the company that has done a shitty job of
maintaining the plants has been hired by our government to supervise
plants being built here. Oy!

Buy carbon! Accept the continued use of coal and oil. Work hard to get
the windmills, solar panels, hydrogen, batteries and the rest in line.
BTW, there is a huge ssavings that also combats holes in the ozone by
painting your roof white! Get up there and tell your friends. It will
work if enough people do it. Enough. I’m running out of energy.