Dolphins versus the Navy

Whales and Dolphins Win Battle Over the Use of Harmful Sonar

A settlement between environmental groups and the U.S. Navy restricts the deployment of sonar and explosives that can hurt marine mammals. 

Dolphins jump out of the water close to the Military Sealift Command dry cargo and ammunition ship USNS Alan Shepard. (Photo: U.S. Navy/Flickr)

Move on

rantnrave:// Whether nurturing a friendship or business relationship. It takes time and care. There are few more disappointing things than when they don't bear fruit. It could be expectations of friendship or professional expectations of improvement and professionalism. Coming to these realizations are hard. Listening to the same excuses frustrating. Hearing obvious untruths downright disrespectful. Yes, it's discouraging, but within your power to change. If it's not working for you and you've given it and them feedback and chances to own and improve. Cast aside. People and things. You can now move on and make new bets and investments. Nothing like a big life event to focus you on what you already knew but did nothing about...

Healing scars

A Brazilian tattoo artist is helping survivors of domestic violence in a unique way.

Two years ago, tattoo artist Flavia Carvalho was contacted by a woman who wanted to cover a large scar on her abdomen with a tattoo. The woman's story — a man stabbed her with a switchblade in a nightclub after she turned down his advances — was heart-wrenching. After tattooing the woman and seeing the joy and relief in her reaction, Flavia realized that her ink and needles could be used in a new way: to heal.


Flavia Carvalho has been giving back in an awesome way. All photos via Flavia's Facebook page and are used with permission.

Flavia began offering free tattoos to women who had scars resulting from domestic violence or mastectomies.

A broken heart really hurts!

Why a broken heart really hurts

The secret of how our mind processes emotional pain ought to change our outlook, says psychologist Sian Beilock

 ‘Neuroscientists have discovered a link between physical and social pain’: Bill Murray as an ageing Don Juan in Broken Flowers. Photograph: Rex Features

Social exclusion is a normal part of life. We have all, at one time or another, felt disliked at work, spurned by a partner or snubbed by friends. Even though it’s unpleasant, social rejection seems pretty different from a physical injury. Yet these experiences share a common biological substrate in the brain.

For decades, neuroscientists have been aware that a specific brain circuit is involved in registering physical pain. Whether you get pricked with a needle or sprain your ankle, many of the same neural circuits come alive to process the pain: the insula, the cingulate cortex and the somatosensory cortex. Scientists have discovered that some of those same neural tissues also give rise to painful feelings and emotions. In other words: we understand “hurt feelings” or a “broken heart” physically.