“Wikileaks has probably produced more scoops in its short life than the Washington Post has in the past 30 years”

We must help keep WikiLeaks alive with money, technical help, legal help, storage space. servers and software development. 

“Wikileaks has probably produced more scoops in its short life than the Washington Post has in the past 30 years”

"... serves as an uncensorable and untraceable depository for the truth, able to publish documents that the courts may prevent newspapers and broadcasters from being able to touch."— In praise of... Wikileaks -The Guardian, October 20, 2009


The Sunshine Press (WikiLeaks) is an non-profit organization funded by human rights campaigners, investigativejournalists,technologists and the general public. Through your support we have exposed significant injustice around the world—successfully fighting off over 100 legal attacks in the process. Although our work produces reforms daily and is the recipient of numerous prestigious awards, including the 2008 Economist Freedom of Expression Award as well as the 2009 Amnesty International New Media Award, these accolades do not pay the bills. Nor can we accept government or corporate funding and maintain our absolute integrity. It is your strong support alone that preserves our continued independence and strength.

We have received hundreds of thousands of pages from corrupt banks, the US detainee system, the Iraq war, China, the UN and many others that we do not currently have the resources to release. You can change that and by doing so, change the world.

If you can provide rackspace, power and an uplink, or a dedicated server or storage space, for at least 12 months, or software development work for WikiLeaks, 

please write to: 


Some of the Organizations that support WikiLeak are:

What do these organizations have in common?

1. Reporters Committee for the Freedom of the Press (RCFP)
2. The American Society of Newspaper Editors (ASNE)
3. The Associated Press - world wide news agency, based in New York
4. Citizen Media Law Project - Harvard university
5. The E.W Scripps Company - newspapers, TV, cable TV etc.
6. Gannet Co. Inc - the largest publisher of newspapers in the U SA, including USA Today
7. The Hearst Corporation - media conglomerate which publishes the San Francisco Chronicle
8. The Los Angeles Times
9. National Newspaper Association (NNA)
10. Newspaper Association of America (NAA)
11. The Radio-Television News Directors Association (RTNDA)
12. The Society of Professional Journalists (SPJ)
13. Public Citizen - founded by Ralph Nader
14. together with the California First Amendment Coalition (CFAC)
15. The Electronic Freedom Foundation (EFF)
16. The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)
17. The Project on Government Oversight (POGO)