Vote for Trump if.......

Mary, at least I didn't drink the Koolaid like you have. But let's get serious for a minute with no smarty language. What is the job and responsibilities of the person we need to run our country and the rest of the free world? Does it matter whether they are familiar with the other countries? Does it matter whether our President knows enough about diplomacy to interact with our allies and enemies? What about trying to get Congress to cooperate with him? The President can't do much without money and the House of Representatives controls the purse strings. So the President has to work cooperatively with Congress or he will have a rough time trying to get his agenda accepted - case in point, Obama has been refused almost everything he has tried to get through Congress. That's why he uses executive actions, though Bush used executive actions a lot more than Obama! The President has to present a budget every year that will not bankrupt the Country; it isn't easy to do. If taxes are too low we would have an economic disaster; if taxes are too high, it might hurt job growth. Trump's suggested tax plan is a disaster according to right as well as left wing economists. But the game is to put out a budget that has a chance of passing so that our country gets economically healthier and still covers the many things that a government must do for us that are not-at-all business-like decisions.Then there is Commander-in-Chief. It is a very complicated job with awesome responsibility. A rash comment can start a war! A short fuse temper can lead to rash decisions. At any rate, every decision can mean the deaths of our finest! It's necessary to show enormous restraint while planning your moves. Bush didn't do that  and put us into war with Iraq, who had nothing to do with 9/11. He upset the balance between Iran and Iraq and turned the Middle East into more of a hellhole than ever and strengthened Iran. Each decision the Commander-in-Chief makes requires him to foresee the political consequences of his actions - which requires a subtle and extensive knowledge of the countries and regions you are deciding about. The President, perhaps above all else, must protect our Constitution. This requires a deep understanding of every word and how it sets up government to work. Disagreement and compromise are written into the Constitution. As I'm sure you know, Mary, God is not mentioned in the Constitution because the Founding Fathers didn't want any particular religion to control the discourse, arguments and compromises necessary to function as a pluralistic society. Just like some people are afraid of Sharia law, so others are afraid of evangelical dogmas. The Constitution protects us from both. Anyway, Mary, if you think Trump is prepared, both in the education of all the complex issues he will be hit with every day, most of which he has no control over, and believe he has the temperament to be cool and calm when an emergency presents itself - then, by all means, do everything you can to get him elected. Just remember what his job description is. We know that he quoted an amendment to the Constitution that doesn't exist. We know that he has badly insulted Merkle, the Chancellor of Germany for no good reason - and was completely wrong in his criticism - which is extraordinarily bad diplomacy, especially considering that Germany is our most important partner in all of Europe. Even if Trump had been right, if he wants to run our government, he should have kept the opinion to himself. We know he is easily distracted by little criticisms, which all candidates endure. Consider the number of exaggerated criticisms he has heaped on Clinton! He has to be able to take it because he will have that coming at him every day he is President; it's just the nature of high public office. Obama, Bush, and any  President, has done stupid things and made bad decisions - and made good decisions that they still got roasted about. Trump would be no exception.