The daughter's uneducated hatred.

capable of transforming a house into a loving home. I cared for her for 15 years but then she had the terrible responsibility of caring for me for the next 34 years because of my extreme depression. I didn’t - couldn’t  - return her love that she so needed and was entitled to. I hurt her. She raised our daughter almost single-handedly because I traveled the world and lived in recording studios. She was alone too much. I suffered, but I made her suffer too. She is a wonderful and warm human being - with a great sense of humor. We are no longer together but I wish her the very best of luck and love

Daughter: The perspective of fiction. How the Narcissist only sees himself.

As usual, my uneducated daughter takes warmth, honesty and compliments and violently distorts it into something negative.

Daughter: Please comment more in public for the world to see:)

It is on FB, Twitter and my sites as well as Lily's site and yours. If you respected your Mother more or hated me less, you would be happy to read my post.

Daughter: Behold....... The Textbook Narcissist!

Heather, it is a crazy shame that you so thoroughly misunderstand even the word Narcissist. A textbook Narcissist is Donald Trump. All the performing Artists you admire have some degree of narcissism or they wouldn't have the emotional energy to move ahead in spite of the constant humiliation and rejection they face. But I shouldn't have to teach you that simple fact about narcissism - after all you have read a BOOK and therefore are an expert. It is interesting to read your last few remarks. First you distort my loving comment about your Mother into something negative, then you want me to make it public and when you learn that I have made it public, instead of being satisfied that I did want you wanted me to do, your only comment is to suggest I made it public - which you wanted me to do - as proof of textbook narcissism, which comment displays for all to see how stupid and shallow your understanding is. But don't worry, I won't hide our conversation from the public. After all, I don't want you to think I'm a narcissist for going public or is that I am a narcissist for doing what you think is the right thing to do - which is it? Am I a textbook narcissist because I keep it to myself or a textbook narcissist because I don't keep it to myself?