In the late 60s and early 70s the most popular ethnic jokes were
polish jokes about stupidity. These jokes were very popular for years.
At the time, almost no one objected to them and most everybody told
A Polish electrician. I went to a concert in Poland and all the seats were lousy because you
were always sitting behind a pole. How do you save a polish person from drowning? You don’t know? Good! How do you get a Polish girl pregnant? Put some semen in a bowl and
let the flies finish the job. As you can see they ran from harmlessly, good-naturedly funny to
vicious, tasteless and cruel - all very popular. It actually got to
the poiint that Bob Newhart in a Las Vegas nightclub act saidÏ want
you all to know that I am not going to tell any Polish jokes tonight.
It’s gotten to the point where people of Polish descent are
embarrassed to admit they are Polish because they would immediately be
the butt of jokes ad infinitum. Let me prove it. How many people in
the audience are Polish? See? Almost no one raised their hand. Why?
I’m sure there are other Polish citizens here who are too embarrassed
to admit it - or they just didn’t understand the question!.Drum Roll. At the summer olympics at the height of the Polish joke epidemic the
camera focused on a dangerous and difficult turn in the kayak course.
Country after country sent their Olympians down that course and
navigated the obstacle. I swear the following is true. The announcer
said here comes the Polish team and they promptly overturned. This
made for funny newspaper copy. No internet at the time. All of this is by way of preparing you for a tasteless joke about a
serious tragedy. Yesterday the country of Poland lost their President,
and First Lady and several important government officials as well as
the head of the National Bank and some 80 other dignitaries as they
approached the landing field in Russia to attend the memorial service
about the massacre of Polish people during the Second World War. They
flew in on their Airforce One too low and hit some trees and the
airplane and all aboard were killed instantly. The ultimate Polish