The Worlds Stage Presents COME TOGETHER on December 1st in Geneva to be seen in over 50 countries!
The Picard Foundation, Foundation, The Art of Living, We The World, Human Rights Action Center, Transcend Media, The Resonance Project Media Channel and Others Unite in Global Solidarity; An Unprecedented International Event focusing on Human Rights, Civil Rights, Freedom of Speech, The Right to Education, Information and Healthcare. Malala
John F. Kennedy stated, “One person can make a difference and EVERYONE must try.”
At a time of massive change, civil unrest, social uprisings, media censorship, loss of personal freedoms, invasion of privacy and numerous human rights violations, a group of concerned and constructively discontented producers, artist managers, creative alchemists and social organizers have brought forward a special project called COME TOGETHER. We plan to enlighten and empower people with the use of music and artistry coupled with Internet technologies to organize and disseminate information all over the world with key action plans that people can use for a brighter future.
The Power of Us begins with U.
We need your help to accomplish our goal. We need you to contribute your important artistry, celebrity and support by getting the word out. Perhaps a song or poem. We need you to COME TOGETHER with us. We feel that when we COME TOGETHER and use the Internet we can enable Millions of people all over the world to take action for a better tomorrow---today. And we need your celebrity to help enable our message. And we need your words and music. This unprecedented concert and media exposition plans to showcase what is possible when people COME TOGETHER and stand united for better solutions dedicated to ethical leadership and the common good for us all.
Action is the key. We will send the message to the public that "Now that you know that the future is in your hands, what are you goign to do with it?" Please COME TOGETHER with us and help make heroes of millions of people. And change our planet for the better. Call Steve or Herb to discuss what you can do to help us succeed on December 1st at the COME TOGETHER event, seen in more than 50 countries.
:Steven Jay
Herb Gart
I love great art, no matter the medium.
I love great art, no matter the medium.