Why One Cream Cake Leads to Another
A chronic high-fat diet is thought to desensitize the brain to the feeling of satisfaction that one normally gets from a meal, causing a person to overeat in order to achieve the same high again. New research published today (August 15) in Science, however, suggests that this desensitization actually begins in the gut itself, where production of a satiety factor, which normally tells the brain to stop eating, becomes dialed down by the repeated intake of high-fat food.
“It’s really fantastic work,” said Paul Kenny, a professor of molecular therapeutics at The Scripps Research Institute in Jupiter, Florida, who was not involved in the study. “It could be a so-called missing link between gut and brain signaling, which has been something of a mystery.”
While pork belly, ice cream, and other high-fat foods produce an endorphin response in the brain when they hit the taste buds, according to Kenny, the gut also sends signals directly to the brain to control our feeding response.
This dopamine surge occurs in response to feeding in both mice and humans. But evidence suggests that dopamine signaling in the brain is deficient in obese people.
Oleoylethanolamide levels are also reduced in fasting animals and increase in response to eating, communicating with the brain to stop further consumption once the belly is full. Indeed, oleoylethanolamide is a known satiety factor. Therefore, when chronic consumption of high-fat food diminishes its production, the satisfaction signal is not achieved, and the brain is essentially “blind to the presence of calories in the gut,” said Araujo, and thus demands more food.
But once the vicious cycle starts, it is hard to break because the brain is receiving its information subconsciously. “We eat what we like, and we think we are conscious of what we like, but I think what this [paper] and others are indicating is that there is a deeper, darker side to liking—a side that we’re not aware of,” Piomelli said. “Because it is an innate drive, you can not control it.” Put another way, even if you could trick your taste buds into enjoying low-fat yogurt, you’re unlikely to trick your gut.
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