Another Parrot joke! Got any to share?

A man buys a parrot, not knowing that it previously belonged to a foul-mouthed longshoreman. One day, after several weeks of trying to teach the bird not to curse constantly, the man and parrot get into a screaming match. In frustration, the man tosses the parrot into the kitchen freezer and slams the door. After several seconds of terrible swearing there is dead silence. Horrified that he may have killed the bird, the man opens the freezer door. The parrot calmly walks out, perches on the man's shoulder and says, "Please accept my sincere apology for my past behavior. You may be assured that I will never again use offensive or inappropriate language." The man is dumbfounded. He is about to ask the parrot about his change of attitude, when the parrot continues, "If I may ask, what did the chicken do?"  

From Keith Sanders, Chattanooga, Tennessee

Herb Gart
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